Crazy Egg vs Hotjar

March 15, 2022

Crazy Egg vs Hotjar

As companies move forward in the digital age and start to focus more on creating a user-centric website or application, user experience (UX) optimization has become a critical component of website growth.

Crazy Egg and Hotjar are two of the most well-known website optimization tools available on the market. But which one is best for your website?

What is Crazy Egg?

Crazy Egg is a website optimization tool that specializes in heatmaps, scroll maps, and click reports to optimize website elements such as design, layout, and content. It provides a comprehensive visualization of user behavior on the website to help webmasters improve the site's user experience.

What is Hotjar?

Hotjar is another widely-used website optimization tool that offers heatmaps, session recordings, feedback polls, and surveys. It is designed to help webmasters understand the user experience on the website and make data-driven changes to improve their website's usability.

The Comparison

Heatmaps and Click Reports

Crazy Egg offers several different heatmap types, including scroll, click, and attention maps, while Hotjar provides click, move, scroll, and attention maps.

When it comes to click reports, Crazy Egg provides more comprehensive data, including click clusters that reveal where the majority of clicks occur. On the other hand, Hotjar provides a detailed click report feature, but only for clicks that occur on specific elements.

Session Recording

Hotjar includes a session recording feature that is not offered by Crazy Egg. This feature allows you to watch how users interact with your website and see exactly where they drop off. As a result, you can identify any pain points and address them quickly.

Feedback and Surveys

Hotjar offers feedback polls, surveys, and form analysis features that help you understand what users want from your site. Crazy Egg does not include any of these features.


When choosing between Crazy Egg vs Hotjar, it really comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your website.

If you want a website optimization tool that provides comprehensive data analysis, then Crazy Egg is the better choice for you. Its click reporting feature is unparalleled, and its scrolling and attention maps offer a clear picture of where users are focusing their attention.

If you’re looking for user feedback and insights to improve the overall user experience on your website, Hotjar may be more suited to your needs. Its feedback polls, surveys, and session recording features provide valuable information that can help you optimize your website.

Regardless of which tool you choose, both Crazy Egg and Hotjar can help you improve your website’s user experience, increase conversions, and grow your business.


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